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Lando Norris get pole at the 2021 Russian Grand Prix, overcoming terrible conditions at the Sochi Autodrome to take a shocking first place.Carlos Sainz and George Russell were in the top three.
Mercedes Lewis Hamilton was the fastest in the first two segments.But the seven-time champion lost control of the car when he was about to change the tire.The Briton took fourth place.
The winner of the previous race finished the qualification in the fifth position. In the sixth place is the 2-time Spanish champion Fernando Alonso.
Also in the top ten are: Bottas, Stroll, Perez and Ocon. Max Verstappen did not set the fastest lap. Due to the engine penalty he will have to start the race from the back of the gird.
Leclerc also uses the fourth engine in Russia and he will start the race from the back rows. Monรฉgasque driver moved to the second segment, but then did not have the fastest lap attempt.